i think its gonna be a thunderstorm and the rain's gonna pour like there's no tmr.
so i'll just stay home cuddled up in my bed with my hoddie.
there's one thing i love about thundery, rainy days like this.
@ 3/29/2010 04:53:00 PM
haven't been blogging for quite awhile already. been caught up with all the easter and lenten season practices.
busy busy meeeeeeee. okay, maybe not as busy as most of my other friends.
imma keep this short cause its kind of late.
just came back from ad's party at his house, and I HAD AN AWESOME TIME! B was there too...
and he got to see how HIP SERAPHIM IS. (:
btw, its the first time seraphim got to see CDM members (okay, some of them)
glo, sheila, auntie jean, uncle andre and auntie gwen...
and we finally got to meet, and we played games, nostalgia took over.
it had been AWHILE since we had a gathering like this.
Labels: highlight: ADRIAN CRIED.
@ 3/29/2010 01:21:00 AM
crepe! ((: look at this GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS SIGHT. ((:
Labels: you can't stop a WOMAN's CRAVING.
@ 3/22/2010 01:32:00 AM
Labels: guilty as charged. PS. you're not free from guilt too kay?
@ 3/20/2010 11:35:00 PM
i had a great time with B yesterday.(: the day started with us going down to MOE to collect his O'level cert for his retake in english. and i think that he might left out a LITTLE detail.
here's what happened:
after the security check and getting our visitor's pass, we went on to proceed to the customer service centre.
and a customer service officer greeted us and asked if he could help, so B explained that he wanted to collect his cert. and the officer just said, but collection is not until the 15th march. HAHAH! you should've seen his blurred face. i started laughing too. LOL! the whole senario was so funny. apparently it was stated in the letter too. LOL READING COMPREHENSION FAIL. anyways when we left the security guard was so shocked and how was we were done. and when B told him in the most singlish manner, he laughed too. LOL! okay after that embarassing incident, it was time to head to RP.
there was nothing weird about enrollment, only that we i and B passed by this group of malay guys one guys whispered to the other, and the whole group stared. LIKE WHAT'S THERE TO STARE AT DUDES?
okay, after enrollment, we caught ' BEING HUMAN' directed by the our VERY OWN TIGER WOODS (jack neo) i guess he was just 'BEING HUMAN' making mistakes and submitting to TEMPTATION. i think the comedy part of that show is good, but the storyline sucks. TOO MUCH REWINDING.
we headed to habourfront for dinner, and sat down at the jetty, the view opposite us was the IR and UNIVERSAL STUDIOS. THAN CAME THE FIREWORKS. exactly when B said it would be. the lights were so pretty. we sat there and chatted. and took photos! ((:
Labels: good things can last forever if you want it to. you just have to WANT it hard enough.
@ 3/12/2010 01:26:00 PM
i scrolled over to the toolbar to get a look at today's date, and i found out that im going to enrol to a school tmr.
a fresh start to a utterly new place. thank god for the few faces that i might know, but they are all seniors. oh well, i guess i have to make do with whatever life throws at me.
its only up to me to make it a good thing or a bad thing. RIGHT?
its times like this when i wished i was at the river with my friends hanging and chilling.
yesterday, when i was on the way to work, i passed by TPJC. and a group of students boarded the bus.

but i couldn't blame them. i felt a pang of nostalgia sinking in. i used to be in that noisy group, irritating people in the bus on the way home with laughter.
payback's a bitch innit? hahah!
i just hope i survive the unfamiliar place called RP.
wish me luck my friends. ((: i still miss you all.
@ 3/11/2010 01:03:00 AM
the weather these days is RIDICULOUS i tell you. i don't feel like going out at all uh.
i don't like stepping into the heat rays. i think the ozone's really got a problem. TERRIBLE i tell you.
okay so im stuck at home, but i'll have to leave the comfort of it to go to work. SIGH.
okay. so i wanna talk about this new song i heard. ITS AN EARWORM.
that's not a song title btw. here's the song.
"HOLLYWOOD" by marina and the diamonds.
i swear she sounds like the female version of the killers.
here's the acoustic version.
@ 3/08/2010 03:48:00 PM
i was reading this agatha christie book "And Then There Were None'. i was intrigued at how the author encaptures eeriness and mystery at the same time just unfolding a murder story based on this NURSERY RYHME.
One chocked his little self and then there were Nine.
Nine little soldier boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were Eight.
Eight little soldier boys travelling in Devon;
One said he’d stay there and then there were Seven.
Seven little soldier boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in halves and then there were Six.
Six little soldier boys plazing with a hive;
A bumble bee stung one and then there were Five.
Five little soldier boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little soldier boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were Three.
Three little soldier boys walking in the Zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were Two.
Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there were One.
One litttle soldier boy left all alone;
He went and hanged himself.
And then there were None."
A pocketful of posies,
Atishoo! Atishoo!
We all fall down!'
familiar right? now, let's find out how'd it came to be:
How does your garden grow,
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row'
@ 3/03/2010 06:57:00 PM
i just opened the letterbox not long ago and guess what i found? MY RP ENROLMENT PACKAGE.
uh-huh. in my mind i was like 'WOAH'. a mixed emotions of excitment, fear of the unknown and monophobia engulfed me. throughout my way back to the lift, up to my house, i was thinking:
- what will RP be like?
- will i make friends there?
- what are the people there like?
- what will i be learning?
- what to wear?
hahah the last one maybe unnecessary, but there are so many questions swarming in my head right now.
i guess i'll just need to take one step at a time.
the only thing that im sure of now is:
in other words,
@ 3/02/2010 03:00:00 PM
doesn't it digust you when you see a blog with TOO MANY pictures of the blogger in it?
doesn't it also disgust you when most of the time there's always a strong sense of DESPERATION OF FALLING IN LOVE in the blogger's enteries?
word of advice to you:
don't look so hard and maybe love will just come your way. desperation will just cause you to act irrationally and make a fool out of yourself. you might not know it, but you might just be a laughing stock.
btw, im still reading this blogger's blog cause i just want to find out when the day will come. and its kinda funny too how she LIVES TO BE LOVED.
please girls, guys don't like desperation. you're only proving to them that you're weak and can't live without them.
PS: as for the picture thing, for someone who longs to be loved, you sure love yourself more.
@ 3/01/2010 06:18:00 PM
okay today's weather is acceptable. anyways, i came back home last night from a day out with B.
so i took a bus down to eunos near his place, which had a straight bus to orchard cineleisure. so, he was saying that he wanted to watch this two local CHINESE shows badly. so i agreed to accompany him. for those of you guys who know me, i ain't exactly a fan of CHINESE furthermore LOCAL movies. UNLESS its horror. i think 'the maid' was brilliant.
so upon reaching there, he told me that the movie would be starting at 7 and we decided to split up. he'll get the tickets, i'll buy the grub and drinks. i took only awhile cause there was no queue. so i went over to the ticketing queue where he was looking at the seatings. he tried to shield the screen from me too. LOL! but when the whole transaction was done, i could see from the computer screen that he bought tickets to THIS MOVIE:

a show that i thought we would never be able to watch cause we waited too long to find the time to. and i gave up on the hopes that we would ever catch it on screen.
"OMG!" escaped through my mouth LOUDLY. and he smiled.
that's SUPER SWEET!!!!! (:(:
and with that i have only one thing to say:
@ 3/01/2010 05:37:00 PM